*UPDATE* Psychological Effects of Heart Rate Monitor Use Study

12/21/2010: Preliminary results were reported at Indoor Cycle Instructor in October 2010. Manuscript in preparation. Once published, results will be made available on this site and at ICI.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Feature: Do-it-Yourself Rides & Other Cardio Training sessions

Thanks to so many of you for your exceptionally thoughtful emails this week! I am so privileged to have been able to connect with so many special people through Spinning.

For as long as I'd announced I was leaving for medical school, people have been asking me if I would record rides for do-it-yourself training... at first, I laughed; then, I thought about it; then, I realized that it'd be technologically improbable (and likely even illegal, from a music copyright issue). Today, I had an epiphany about how I could accommodate these requests, while not consuming all remaining free time and not breaking any laws. Imagine?

Behold, the "Coach Yourself" Training Corner. On the left-hand side of my blog, I will devote a section to featured Ride Profiles and even non-Spinning cardio training sessions. Some of them will be profiles from actual classes I'm teaching (I finally start up again next week!), but mostly they will be my training sessions. Why? The training I do myself is far simpler, far easier to replicate, and requires far less self-discipline (I'm human; I'm subject to the same psychological challenges as you!). If time allows, I'll include music and "coach yourself" tips that end up being particularly effective.

Over time, I hope that you'll see the power in the simplicity of what you'll see here. Though these will be mostly be improvisational training sessions that I devise "on the fly" during my own workouts, I tend to uphold the same principle that I do when I plan my Spinning class ride profiles: Structured and purposeful.... with said structure and purpose as SIMPLE as possible. You'll see that the simpler the structure (and just having structure at all!), the faster these will fly by... and the easier it will be for you to improvise your own spin-offs. Being able to effectively (and happily!) train yourself is an amazingly empowering experience. So let's make it so...

Check out the "COACH YOURSELF" TRAINING CORNER on the left! The profiles themselves will be regular blogpots (so that those of you subscribed to my RSS feed will see new updates), but the Corner will have a link that pulls up all the profiles at once. (So far, there's only one... but over time, that master link will be more useful...)

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