*UPDATE* Psychological Effects of Heart Rate Monitor Use Study

12/21/2010: Preliminary results were reported at Indoor Cycle Instructor in October 2010. Manuscript in preparation. Once published, results will be made available on this site and at ICI.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Holiday Trip to NYC: Sun 12/21 - Sun 1/4

I cannot believe that I am two days away from being 1/3 done with the classroom part of medical school. I cannot believe the insaaaaaaaaanity of the past 4 months (more on that, when I'm not procrastinating my cramming). And I cannot believe that I haven't made time to update this blog at ALL.

I have so much to say, cycling and otherwise, and firmly intend to spend a lot of the next two weeks writing... very much looking forward to it.

In the meantime, since lots of people have been emailing and it's a little too early to send out my listserv posting: Yes, I absolutely AM coming to New York over my break. I'll be there for two weeks, and teaching at least one (if not 2 or 3... or 5!) class every day except for XMas Day itself. It'll be like the good ol' days of living on a bike, instead of elbow-deep in human gunk.

I'm continuing to pick up more classes (both my old classes and random sub gigs) as the days go by, but here's what is on tap so far:

SUNDAY 12/21
9:30AM 41st/3rd
11AM Varick

MONDAY 12/22
6:30AM - Union Sq (14th/5th)
6 & 7PM - 23rd/Park (reserve!!)

6:45AM - 59th/Park
12:30PM - Water St (reserve)

6:30AM - 86th/Lex

FRIDAY 12/26

12:30PM - City Hall (yayyyy! reserve)
6PM - Irving

9:30 & 10:30AM - 23rd/Park (reserve)


SUNDAY 12/28
9:30AM 41st/3rd
11AM Varick

MONDAY 12/29
6:30AM - Union Sq 14th/5th
9:30AM - Cobble Hill
12:15PM - 23rd/Park
5:30 & 6:30PM - Wall St (yayyyyy! reserve!)

6:45AM - 59th/Park
9:30AM - Court St
12:30PM - Water St (reserve)


6:30AM - 86th/Lex
12:30PM -City Hall (reserve)

7:30AM - 86th/Lex... don't ask me why. But come! Special ride for the crazies who wake up that early.
9:30AM - 23rd/Park (reserve)

12:15PM - 36th/Madison (reserve)
6PM - Irving
9:30AM 41st/3rd
11AM Varick